Forgejo Release Party and Get-Together

Celebrate with the Forgejo team about the v7.0 Release after the hardfork, get to know the team and much more!

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Party with the Forgejo team!

The Forgejo team is pleased to invite you all, fellow Forgejo (including Codeberg) users, admins, translators, designers, developers and friends!

We hope to look back at the successful release of Forgejo v7.0 and our hardforked independence, talk about things that went really well and about the things we want to achieve.

Meet the team, chat about the project and its future, or simply say "Thanks".

Note about audio/video requirements: We do not require anyone to enable audio or video, but you are free to share your webcam if you like. Most participants will probably use audio chat, so having working speakers will result in the best experience. You can use text-only communication if you do not have a microphone or if you are not comfortable with sharing your voice.

A note about technical talks: Our aim is to build an inclusive event even for people who are not involved in the Forgejo development on a technical level. Further, the team members who are likely deal with technical things all day. We kindly respect you to refrain from reporting bugs or starting technical discussions during the meeting to allow us to relax and keep a good mood. However, if some contributors are motivated enough, we might open a breakout room for such discussions (e.g. a bug hunting session if there is enough interest).